Sugar Free Triple Shot

It's not what I need in order to give you my brutal honesty - it's just breakfast.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Not-so-casual Friday

My favorite judge always seems to hold hearings on Fridays. Is it because he knows most law firms nowadays have instituted casual Fridays? Oh well, when I have Hearing Fridays, I personally institute casual Thursdays.

Monkey boy is gone today - passed another bar and is being sworn in - no telling what he's wearing.

Today, you can make me happy if you:
  1. Empathize
  2. Sympathize
  3. Stop humming
  4. Learn the words
  5. Wipe that look off your face


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i must say you are quite the writer. entertaining and all. thanks for the love. news to you coming soon. if the lawer thing doesnt work out you have a future in comedy. probably performing more than writing

4/21/2006 5:05 PM  

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