Sugar Free Triple Shot

It's not what I need in order to give you my brutal honesty - it's just breakfast.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Help me help you ...

Dialing "O" on the pink telephone

seriously? what rock have I been living under that I have never heard of this before? There are a million euphemisms for the menfolk but, finally, at my ripe age I come across this?

Love it! And, try to use it daily (usually limited to conversation ... but, whatever)

So, I went on a search ... are there more? I haven't found any - although, I found an interesting term I've never heard used before ...

shaking hands with the unemployed

how can you not love that?

Help me help you, please, educate me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extrapolating from a euphemism for my own gender, “loping your molly” would work.

5/18/2006 1:46 PM  

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