Sugar Free Triple Shot

It's not what I need in order to give you my brutal honesty - it's just breakfast.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I'll buy an "E," Pat but I'll pay extra if Vanna will change those shoes

This morning at the gym, a gentleman took off his headphones and told me he just heard that today is the birthday of Arabella Mansfield.

"Do you know who that is?"

Me: "Hmmm ... Mansfield, sounds familiar" Dude, help me out here ... you are just some random guy who came up to me between sets talking about something I'm sure you just heard on NPR, which I may or may not care about ... it's too f*ckin early for a round of Jeopardy, plus I'm more of a Wheel of Fortune kind of girl.

"The very first female lawyer!" he says with a sparkle in his eye.

Me: "Oh, yeah." Oh, yeah nothing. I had no idea - maybe I should. And, big ups to him for not calling her a 'lady lawyer.'

And, big ups to Arabella, especially for taking those 2 years off and taking care of her husband during his nervous breakdown before placing him in an asylum. We should all be that devoted. Of course, I hope it doesn't take me 2 years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he fails to acknowledge mother's day again, I'd give him no more than six weeks.

5/23/2006 2:04 PM  

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