It's not what you think ...
I hope I never have to say that ...
Anyways, back to my previous post.
It isn't where one may presume sugar free's true skills lie.
No, it's not the dazzling smile, 4-inch heels, witty repartee, or the way I like to purr at somewhat inappropriate times. It's that opposing counsel invariably ends up thinking that I'm on their side. Of course, there are other things at play - I compliment a cut of a suit, notice a new hair cut and a push up bra never hurts. But, I truly believe that the most damning information I've received is from plaintiff's counsel who believe that I'm a really good person who just happen to work for really evil people. I'm just here doing a job for my client.
And it helps that I'm nice. I'm pleasant. Generally, plaintiff's attorneys are overworked, stressed out and treated poorly by other attorneys. I treat them well. I behave (save a few) as if I enjoy spending this time with them. Because, surely in all of their wisdom and experience - I will learn something from them. Not really - I may learn that they have an extremely distracting shoe fetish and that I should be the attorney dealing with them - no matter the case.
Are we deposing a fact witness? I've been known to go off the record to make a joke. Let's make our time together enjoyable. That's what I do. And, they let their guard down and share.
Do you have other theories? Let's share.
Hm. Interesting.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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